Gratitude for Family8/21/2016 GRATITUDE FOR FAMILYNOVEMBER 29, 2015 SILE765 LEAVE A COMMENT EDITI’ve learned a lot about Gratitude in 2014 and I’m so blessed to be were I’m am. In 2014 a lot went right for me as I was able to make some positive changes in my life and I’ve managed to come out on top!
This past summer I left a high paying job and the friends I loved to go out on my own and build my business in and around my home town. I grew up in the Winston Salem, Greensboro area of North Carolina called the Piedmont. When I got there I realized that things were not the same as they were when I left two decades ago. Some of the people I worked with were not very kind and the part time job I had didn’t pay what it was supposed to. The hours were not there either. I worked my wellness business but I was alone and had limited team support. They were all here in the Triangle and we were a couple hundred miles apart. I also had a crazy neighbor who lived below me who would complain saying I was too loud. She wrote hateful notes to me,leaving them on my door. Not a very friendly welcome. My loneliness increased and my determination was waning. I had my dogs love and support but they could sence my despair at times. I would have liked to have spent more time with some of my siblings nearby, but they were not too happy about the way I was living my life. Some of my old friends moved away and the economy wasn’t what it used to be after RJ Reynolds collapse in Winston Salem. My money started to run out and the thought of being homeless scared me, so I reached out to my brother Z. He knew the situation I was in and knew about my psycho neighbor and he told me to come live with him until I got on my feet. He and some of his friends helped me move back to the triangle. With my two dogs we moved in with my brother Z in September 2014. He has been there for me my entire life but for some reason I think I’m here for him too. He’s using our wellness products and with his scientific mind he’s learning about how they work. So I’m grateful to my brother Z for helping me get back on my feet. He’s enabled me to build my wellness business by cutting my expenses so I can invest in my business. I’ve lowered my bills so I’m not living above my means and I can save money to invest in my business. He’s also come to accept me as his little sister and he looks out for me. I’m paying is forward by giving him discounts on his products and helping out with expenses. I know the more successful I am in my business the more dedicated I am to making sure that my brother Z never wants for anything as he gets older. Comments are closed.
Síle Michaela
Mom, Actress, Activist, Amateur Painter / Artist Archives
December 2020
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