It would be great if the Democratic candidates would reexamine their attacks on the front runner Joe Biden and focus on how they would be a better choice than Donald Trump. After watching the talking heads in the media about the debate, voters want to hear how the candidates are going to help them and this great country of ours instead attacking each other and Barack Obama. Life is about choices and in the long run it will hurt the Democrats more than help, if we don't come together. I can see pointing out differences but the candidates on last nights stage where not doing that. They were attacking and they weren't being nice about it. Booker standing next to Biden in a photo I saw on the news, demonstrated how much bigger and taller he was compared to Biden. It made him look much taller and his body language was like, "I'm going to body slam you old man, for coming after me. The expression on his face showed real anger towards Biden. The optics were not good for him. It will backfire and he needs to fire his advisors. In return, Joe shouldn't have come after Booker on certain issues that attacked his record as well. So both of them should be more aware of that in the next debate. All the candidates need to cut it out. Stop it! Julian Castro wasn't above the fray either. His attacks on Biden were misguided. He lumped Obama and Biden in with Trump. There's no distinction or equivocation. Obama/Biden was the best and most progressive team ever in the White House. They saved our country from disaster and brought us out of the ditch the Republicans put us in. Show some respect for your elders. Also he needs to stop using the line, "We will say Adios to Donald Trump." It's not funny anymore. I thought he was better than that. I thought he had class. That's why I started to reconsider my vote for Biden and choose him. But to me he portrayed himself as a bully going after an older gentleman who's made some mistakes in his political career but has apologized for them. Booker and Harris are beating a dead horse regarding Biden's past record. Let it go and move on the prosecuting the case against Donald Trump. Be the one to go after Trump, not Biden and visa versa. In fairness to the candidates, CNN had some pointed questions that orchestrated the kind of discourse that occurred. They pitted one candidate against the other. In the next debate I think that it will be up to the candidates to turn the tables on the moderators and refuse to go down that rabbit hole. They'll need to be the ones that keep the focus on why they think they're better equipped to beat Donald Trump than the rest of the pack. We don't want a candidate that's been beat up to Face Donald Trump because the Republicans will use it against him or her. So stop it! Be the bigger person. Yes! Unity damn it! Síle Comments are closed.
Síle Michaela
Mom, Actress, Activist, Amateur Painter / Artist Archives
December 2020
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