Don't live Offended1/1/2020 In the context of being trans or gender non binary. People who misgender you don't like themselves so they have to tear you down by doing so. We have two roads we can go by when misgendered. Offense or gratitude. Accept that others may dislike you, but do not allow them to disrespect you. Don't give credit to haters. Their importance in your live should be diminished not increased. They're not worth your anger. As long as they don't pay your bills or sleep in your bed, then their opinion of you doesn't matter. Ignore them let them go. They hate themselves more than they hate you. Being offended is a waste of time. Being grateful for who you are and that science in on our side, should give you confidence. Within the trans community there's some internal challenges we face. I get that gender is not determined by what's in between a person's legs, but what's in between a person's ears. I believe that not choosing Hormone Replacement Treatment and even Sexual Reassignment Surgery doesn't make a person any less trans. All of us transition in different ways and we should celebrate each other’s victories and break troughs. I also believe that as someone who fought decades to have gender affirming surgery and who is now a congruent female, I should have the right to tell others about it and celebrate it as a victory. I make no apologies for it because I am a woman. So don't get angry with me for celebrating what I consider achieving a positive milestone and accomplishment in my life. Frankly, it should have been done decades earlier but society wasn't ready for it. It's not so much wanting to be the opposite gender assigned at birth, it's knowing that I effing am that gives me the most comfort. I'm not worried about politicians putting down gender identity, because I (we) have science on our side as well as public support. I'm 55 years old and lived through the worst of it. It's gotten better, but we have a long way to go. Keep the people on our side & we win the war. I'm not worried about Evangelicals trashing us for the same reasons. We need stay focused on our cause and reach out to the mainstream public to plead our case. The evangelicals are not going to listen, and we need to focus on the majority of Americans who support us instead. Instances of diarrhea of the mouth from the religious right, should be addressed earnestly and not obsessed over. I also refuse to live defeated and offended in the context of relating to the cisgender community as a member of the trans community. It's hard to do sometimes, but we must do so in order to survive. I think we need to do a lot more "bless your hearting," than condemning. Some people are not worth it. Sometimes you have to let these zealots make your point for you when they show their arse with propaganda and talking points instead of facts. Síle Comments are closed.
Síle Michaela
Mom, Actress, Activist, Amateur Painter / Artist Archives
December 2020
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