Honoring those I loved through Film5/27/2018 Bernice had a hair shop in downtown Greensboro North Carolina. She did my weaves since 1997. We lost touch for a while, then reconnected in 2013. A few years later she passed away from complications related to her breast cancer. She welcomed me into her shop and made sure the ladies working with her did as well. She lived by the commandment that says we are to love one another and not to judge each other for any reason. See you have to understand the context in order to appreciate this story. Mrs. B, I will forever be grateful to you for standing up for me and standing with me. My ex mother in law died of breast cancer in the early 2000's and was a teacher. As a teacher she recognized my ADHD right away. Her expertise in that area allowed her to come up with some pretty creative ways to communicate with me. I felt like she understood me. She was an ally so to speak. She made me feel welcome and loved in their family. I felt like I had a friend in the camp so to speak. She was soft-spoken with a valiant spirit like my mothers. She also sang in her church choir and had the most angelic voice. My ex father in law was equally kind to me as he passed away from prostate cancer. He was my second father and he's the inspiration for my Uncle Dave character in I'm Your Mum. Both these woman were role models to me and that's why I hope to honor their memories through my TV show I'm Your Mum. I also want to thank Ray and honor him for going beyond the call of duty in making me feel welcomed as well. God bless you all. One day we will all be together again along with my loved one's as well and celebrate the lives lived and our journey on earth completed. Comments are closed.
Síle Michaela
Mom, Actress, Activist, Amateur Painter / Artist Archives
December 2020
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