Social Media - Delete? Delete!10/13/2019 So far I've been able to confine checking my social media feeds to just my computer. I no longer check my Facebook or Twitter feed on my phone and I feel great; therefore, I spend less time focused on them and more time focused on my work and film making. You see, I've been watching videos from Jaron Lanier, who's from Silicon Valley and who points out the negative effects social media can have on one's life. His videos are eye opening. Although he talks about getting rid of Facebook and other social media accounts, I find my current method acceptable for me for now. In one video Jaron said that we need to compare ourselves to ourselves not others. Social media can be designed for good, but it's engineered for bad. Nobody has a perfect life, and we all want to be accepted and loved. When we scroll down and see how successful or great our friends and followers are doing, we may feel a sense of jealousy or envy if our life basically sucks compared to theirs. We need to stop doing that. If we follow famous people on Instagram like the Kardashians, we shouldn't try to compare our lives with theirs. It's not real. Most of those photos we see have filters in them to make themselves look glamorous and flawless. It's not real. I've learned to be transparent in my social media accounts, not to expect people to always like my posts or pics. When I post a video or pics of my film work or give updates, some of my friends might think that it's because I'm showing off, or seeking attention. Some of my friends or followers may be jealous of my success. If they are, then they don't want to let me know it, or they just don't give a rat’s ass. Either way, we need to be confident in our talents, abilities and gifts, because they will make room for us. Nobody has a perfect life. You are who you are for a reason. Be that. Be you. Don’t be someone else. Don’t live their dreams, live yours. We all have parts of our lives which are good and others that are not so good. We should stay positive as we make our way down the path of (our own) success. Síle Comments are closed.
Síle Michaela
Mom, Actress, Activist, Amateur Painter / Artist Archives
December 2020
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