Have you ever gotten to the end of the Ketchup bottle when there's just enough in it for your hamburger on your plate, but it ends up being almost not enough? That's my life as I see it now. The clothes I have are getting old with holes in my shoes and shirts. I've also gained a few pounds so I have to buy new one's. I've got to rent a shredder to shred old documents I don't need anymore. I guess you could call it "fall cleaning." Getting rid of the old bringing in the new. Preparing for the second half of my life or what sadly could be the 4th quarter. Either way, I'm embarking on a new journey and starting a new chapter in my life. In having good health sometimes we need these moments where we "clean house" or take inventory of what we've accomplished or what we are about to. As I plan for my new journey the choices I make now will determine how successful the trip will be. That includes making good choices with my diet and exercise, as I hope to live into my late 90's or longer. I've also been sober for 21 years this past October 19, 1998, and I plan on bringing my sobriety with me on this journey. Whatever you do, taking baby steps could be a good plan for success. Regroup, refocus, renew your commitment to your body and soul, by making incremental positive decisions that can lead you to your desired outcomes. There's no doubt that on this new journey or this new chapter of my life, I will meet some resistance and the universe will no doubt send people my way to attempt to discourage me; however, that's just it's way of testing my resolve and determination. No matter what, I must not engage in self sabotage by giving in to such distractions and keep my eye on the prize. The best way to do that is to stay focused on the fact that I cannot control what other people do or say to me. I can only control how I respond to it. Notice I didn't say react to what people say or do to me. As I advised Joe Biden in one of my blogs, I told him to be like cool hand Luke, not cranky grandpa. In my case it would be cool hand Annie Oakley not cranky grandma. Never let people or challenges steal your joy. When I encounter situations like this, I ask my creator to fight my battles for me. When I do this, I receive the blessing of a parent righting to scales of right and wrong among his offspring. Let go let God. I call it "Reformation." I'm reforming my life one step at a time. Making sure that I put wellness (by using and selling Nikken products) at the top of the list, followed by my acting and film making career. I'd say it's a great combination. Síle Career Choices10/25/2019 People have asked me why I'm moving up north. I don't like heat and I like a cooler a climate. Also I'm lined up with Ireland and England as I'd like to retire there. I'm also close to the Canadian Boarder that would be another place to retire. A plant can outgrow it's pot. When it's time to move, one must make arrangements to do so. I've outgrown my pot. Some of my old friendships have fizzled out if not fizzling out now. A person should live and be around people and family who appreciate them. Respect them. Recognize they're the owner of their own destiny. A person shouldn't work in a job where they're not validated and their cries for help to management are ignored. Where co workers and customers impose their religious beliefs on who or what they think you are. In my job, despite being able to prove my gender on paper and on my person, my co workers and some customers refer to me as whatever gender they want behind my back and sometimes to my face. Part of the problem is my location. In Durham North Carolina a large portion of the population are religious folk and dispense their bias and discrimination on people like me. Management does nothing at all to help period. I've worked for the same company for seven years and this is truly the worse store I've ever worked at. I've realized that staying in this job and where I'm not wanted is ludicrous. Sometimes as I'm cashing people out, I wonder what the heck am I still doing there. I could quit my job, but then my bills wouldn't get paid. Vicious cycle right? Maybe if your health isn't good. Maybe if you have no other options for a job or you've lost all hope that things can change. Things can change if you open yourself up to the Universe and ask for help. One option I have is my acting and painting work to help me with my mental health and a company called Nikken for my physical and financial help. Nikken is a company where I can be myself and work with a diverse group of people. The way to maintain one's business is to teach at least three people to teach three other people how to grow their business. To those folk like me, we're welcome here. Nikken is here for ALL people. In Nikken I work with people who validate and honor my true self. I control the growth of my business and I work with people who want to work with me. My team can grow and help communities of people who would have been otherwise overlooked in the past. More importantly, Nikken has a professional development programs called Humans Being More. It's definitely brain food and nourishment for your mental health. I've attended at least three and they're definitely worth it. I'll keep you posted on my progress as I hope to begin making healthier choices in order to live a happier healthier life. I have a website where customers and consultants can buy product, or register to get their products wholesale. If you'd like more information or to sign up visit magneticwellness.biz. Síle Dysphoria Not Disorder10/18/2019 From the NHS - "Gender dysphoria is a recognized medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It's not a mental illness. Some people with gender dysphoria have a strong and persistent desire to live according to their gender identity, rather than their biological sex." It's not a mental illness. People need to realize that it's a medical condition. The BMJ, a leading medical journal, puts it this way. "Illness is defined as the ill health the person identifies themselves with, often based on self reported mental or physical symptoms. ... Disease, on the other hand, is defined as a condition that is diagnosed by a physician or other medical expert." Síle Fizzy Drinks and Getting back in Shape10/16/2019 Today I only had two diet soda's compared to five, and I'm feeling better. I woke up with heartburn the other night after having a late night cup of decaf coffee. I was given a Cuisinart and I love it so I've been drinking more coffee. I use my what we call my Waterfall water filtration system to use as the water for my coffee. That has helped me curb my diet fizzy drinks addiction. I work part time as cashier and tomorrow I'm going to check out the Vegetarian items they have in the store. I'm also going to get back on my Vital Balance shake and woman's multi vitamin. I have noticed that when I stopped taking these things my hair started to thin out and I have dark circles under my eyes. What's kept me going are my Nikken magnets which have come in handy as I've experienced an ache or pain or two over the past few days. I am concerned that I'm having creaky joints and I'm not staying hydrated enough. Time to get back in shape. If you want more information about Nikken or learn more about what I'm talking about, visit my Wellness Page on this site. Síle Vegetarian - Maybe?10/15/2019 I'm seriously considering becoming a vegetarian. I saw a short video of a mother pig saying goodbye to her babies and the babies were squealing like, "mom what's going on." "Why can't you nestle with you." "Where are you going?" "What's happening?" "Mom don't leave me!" The mother was squealing as well. It really hurt my heart. As a mother of the human species, it was devastating to watch. You may say it's only a pig. Pigs are more "human like" than we give them credit for. The way we treat animals is inhumane. We know better than this. Maybe someday we'll look back on this and be ashamed at ourselves that we ever ate animals. That we tortured and abused them before we ate them. That we kept them in cramped cages and tore them away from their young just to eat them. If we eat them we must at least be sensitive enough to ease their suffering. Or maybe as an evolved species ourselves, we can come up with alternatives? Just stop it! I'm not joking. Look at heart disease caused by red meat consumption. We might not feel or see the consequences of our eating animals today or tomorrow, but maybe when we're in our later years our abuse of animals will come back to bite us in the bottom. That's why I'm going to challenge myself and I ask you to join me. Síle Staying Well - Easier said than Done10/15/2019 One of the challenges in what we call "wellness" is recognizing the importance of mental wellness as well. I find that if I eat a lot of MSG or have too much caffeine I'm don't do well. I also have a hard addiction to diet sodas. It's hard to quit, but for my mental and physical well being I need to stop. A lot of the Nikken products our company researches and developed has helped me stay healthy in the past.Sometimes I cheat and cancel my auto-ship and I go for the junk food in the grocery store instead of what I know is better for me. I'll be the first to say that having the will power to keep eating healthy when there's so many temptations out there to get us off track at the grocery store and the like can be difficult. Fighting the urge to be "naughty" is the key to success, but sometimes I fail at it. The key is not to beat ones self over it. Get right back on your feet and try again. My eating healthy goal is to stay on my woman's vitamins and protein shakes I order from Nikken. I've been faithful to good health before, I just need to get back on track. especially if I'm going to try to become a vegetarian. Eating healthy and exercise are good combos for good mental health as well. So keep on keeping on and stay healthy. Síle My Surgeon9/21/2019 I couldn't have asked for a better, more professional and skilled surgeon than Dr. Keelee MacPhee. Step by step, I was guided with information and support before and after surgery. This November 9, 2019 will be my three year anniversary since my surgery and I'm feeling great. After 51 years of incongruity, I celebrate my congruence (agreement, harmony; compatibility.) Thank you Dr. MacPhee. Síle My Major Surgery and Opiods9/11/2019
THIS BLOG MAKES NO MEDICAL CLAIMS! THIS IS SIMPLY MY OBSERVATION AFTER HAVING MAJOR SURGERY AND USING NIKKEN PRODUCTS! In November 10th 2016 I had major surgery which lasted about seven hours. One could imagine the pain one would feel afterwards. Two of my co Nikken consultants brought me a Kenko Therm comforter, magnetic seat cushion and magnetic Backflex. I used these products in addition to taking the strong pain meds I was receiving from the nurses at the hospital. Nikken's medically researched and patented technologies, help put the body in the best possible position to heal itself. I believe that while the pain meds where blocking the pain, the magnets where helping the body heal itself. It's kinda like a one two punch in boxing or a navigation system on the Space Shuttle. Once the rocket boosters get you into space (Pain Meds) the navigation system takes over and guides you back to earth. I recovered at the home of two medical professionals who kept an eye out for me for a couple of weeks and as I recovered using the Nikken products. The strong Opioids I was sent home with and even the Tylenol became unnecessary. I didn't need them and I was not addicted. My surgeon even remarked that my recovery time was remarkable. She was pleased with my progress in follow up visits and rehab. However, as a responsible medical professional, she drew no conclusions. She was however pleased that I didn't need the Opioids prescribed for pain. I believe it was the magnets and energy medicine that made a difference for me. It's been almost three years since the surgery and I'm feeling great. I had great medical care and a responsible medical staff. I think my non addiction to Opioids was a combination as I eluded to earlier. Nikken products are researched and developed by a responsible team of scientists and I personally think that their technologies should go hand in hand with your doctors advice and guidance. I feel gratitude for the people who shared Nikken products with me. Who knows whether I would be addicted to Opioid today if not for the Nikken products I used in the hospital recovery room. Would I be another statistic addicted to Opioids? I think so. I'm an alcoholic who's been sober for 21 years this October 18, 1998 and my addictive personality may have caused me to become addicted. In conclusion, I believe that Nikken products have made (and are still making) a difference in my life and the lives of my former and current pets. My results may not duplicate themselves in other people as everyone is different and I believe the technologies are at least worth looking into. For more information or visit www.magneticwellness.biz. Síle I'm not a medical professional9/10/2019 Let me say at the outset that I'm not a medical professional (Doctor). I'm an actress, filmmaker and writer. Don't worry, I won't say the worn out line actors use at parties, “but I play one on TV." I just know that the products' Nikken research, develops and sells, have benefited from their use. If I don't know the answer to one of your product questions, then I can sure find someone in Nikken who can. I could also refer you to information provided about the products at www.magneticwellness.biz. So once again I'm not a medical professional but I love Nikken Products and what they do for me and my goal is to share them with you. Síle As a congruent female and an Independent Nikken Wellness Consultant, I find that the Five Pillars of Health are so important for transgender care. Healthy Mind - Being transgender has been proven to be a medical condition and is considered so by the World Health Organization. However, it's important that trans patients receive good psychological care as well and follow guidelines that were called the Harvey Benjamin Standards of Care. Now called WPATH. Healthy Body - Hormone Replacement Therapy and Surgery are part of the treatment for trans patients. There's also standards for this as well. With the introduction of hormones in the body, patients should be on an aspirin regimen and blood work needs to be conducted in order that the body's getting the right dosage of hormones. Diet and exercise are important as well. At all times trans patients should NOT SMOKE or use TOBACCO products or drink excessive amounts of alcohol during treatment. Healthy Finances - It costs money for treatment as some insurance companies do not pay for adequate transgender specialized care. It's also difficult for trans patients to pay for treatment because the laws in many countries including the US make it possible for big corporations and state and local government jobs to be fired for having a medical condition called Gender Dysphoria. Healthy Society - The only way trans people can win or gain acceptance is through visibility and demonstrating that they can be productive members of society. People are afraid of what they don't understand and in order to have a healthy society we must put aside biases and focus on how we can work together to make this world a better place. Healthy Family - Many trans people have not been afforded the blessing of a close and accepting family. The stigma behind this sometimes misunderstood medical condition can lead to family alienation, leaving trans patients to fend for themselves in society. Often times some trans people turn to sex work on the streets in order to survive. This is unacceptable from a society that prides itself in being open minded, accepting and tolerant of marginalized groups of people. Meeting all Five Pillars of Health can make a person's spirit shine for the rest of the world to see. Luckily Nikken is a company that is open minded and accepting of all people, including members of marginalized communities. If you believe in helping others reach their full potential in the Five Pillars of Health, then you're a good fit. Nikken provides a great opportunity for trans men and woman who believe that good health and wellness is for everyone. It's a great way to own your own business and help at least three additional people to teach three others to do the same. It's a matter of duplication and consistency. If you want your business to succeed, one will treat is as real job not a hobby. The products have helped me recover from my Gender Reassignment Surgery in 2016. I feel that the researched and developed technologies can have a positive impact in everybody's lives who want to live healthier and achieve the ultimate wellness goals they have for themselves with their doctors guidance and care. To me Nikken products go hand in hand with one's doctors and or medical and mental professionals. Síle Humans Being More.8/27/2019 Welcome to my Wellness Blog. In this blog I hope to share wellness tips and information for folks who want to live a healthier existence and building on Five Pillars of Health. Healthy Mind, Body, Finances, Society and Family. I'm hoping to touch on each one of these as we progress into the world of self care. Síle My Cool Brother Zach8/25/2019 I've learned a lot about Gratitude in 2014 and I'm so blessed to be were I'm am. In 2014 a lot went right for me as I was able to make some positive changes in my life and I've managed to come out on top! This past summer I left a high paying job and the friends I loved to go out on my own and build my business in and around my home town. I grew up in the Winston Salem, Greensboro area of North Carolina called the Piedmont. When I got there I realized that things were not the same as they were when I left two decades ago. Some of the people I worked with were not very kind and the part time job I had didn't pay what it was supposed to. The hours were not there either. I worked my wellness business but I was alone and had limited team support. They were all here in the Triangle and we were a couple hundred miles apart. I also had a crazy neighbor who lived below me who would complain saying I was too loud. She wrote hateful notes to me, leaving them on my door. Not a very friendly welcome. My loneliness increased and my determination was waning. I had my dogs love and support but they could sense my despair at times. I would have liked to have spent more time with some of my siblings nearby, but they were not too happy about the way I was living my life. Some of my old friends moved away and the economy wasn't what it used to be after RJ Reynolds collapse in Winston Salem. My money started to run out and the thought of being homeless scared me, so I reached out to my brother Z. He knew the situation I was in and knew about my psycho neighbor and he told me to come live with him until I got on my feet. He and some of his friends helped me move back to the triangle. With my two dogs we moved in with my brother Z in September 2014. He has been there for me my entire life but for some reason I think I'm here for him too. He's using our wellness products and with his scientific mind he's learning about how they work. So I'm grateful to my brother Z for helping me get back on my feet. He's enabled me to build my wellness business by cutting my expenses so I can invest in my it. I've lowered my bills so I'm not living above my means and I can save money to invest in my business. He's also takes care of his little sister and he looks out for me. I'm paying is forward by giving him discounts on his products and helping out with expenses. I know the more successful I am in my business the more dedicated I am to making sure that my brother Z never wants for anything as he gets older. (Updated 11-30-15) Now that 2015 is almost over this year has been more productive and my business has grown tremendously. I'm doing a You Tube film series called I'm Your Mum and getting back into Indie Film Making as well. Unfortunately I lost one of my dogs Kindsey of old age, but no doubt she's in heaven cheering me and Tiger (her son) on! I'd say that I'm not where I want to be, but thank God (and my brother Z) I'm not where I used to be. Happy 2016! Síle You're the Boss8/25/2019 One of the things I realized is that working towards financial freedom is not just a goal for me it's a must! I want more residual income, not living paycheck to paycheck. There's nothing else out there for me at my age when it comes to supporting myself, especially since I'm getting close to retirement and I'm not getting any younger. I'm a single middle aged mom who doesn't have the crème de la crème of job choices at my fingertips. Big Corporations wouldn't have to pay a younger less experienced worker as much as an older more experienced one like me. Plus an older worker is closer to cashing in their retirement which most corporations don't want to pay and in many cases don't! It's also a fact that woman get paid less for doing the same work as men and that sucks! I could work at a minimum wage job as a department store associate or wait tables at a restaurant, but we all know where that leads. It leads nowhere! Although I agree that a job is a job, I want to work my own hours and spend more time with my family. I want to take vacations and do business sipping and Arnold Palmer on the beach somewhere instead of in a stuffy old board room. I do Nikken because I can rest assured that I can't be fired because of who I am or what I look like. In Nikken, nobody can take away my retirement nor reduce or increase my hours or wages. As I move up the ladder of success I cant be demoted if I decide to take a break from Nikken. You never have to start over again because you can't move backwards. You don't find that in most MLM's. But I want you to visit my Nikken Page and listen to the introduction videos and see what you think. If you decide to be part of our team please contact us to set up a free consultation. [email protected]. Síle How Magnets Work!8/25/2019 I've often been asked how do Magnets work? Well I'm not sure of the technologies behind it but they've made a huge difference in my life. Whenever I have a headache or physical pain I don't have to take pills all the time to make the pain go away. I don't have to worry about stomach upset or stomach bleeding which some aspirins and Ibuprofen can cause. I also can't get addicted to using magnets because our magnets don't harm me. I also have more energy and strength with my magnetic insoles, back flex, necklaces and bracelets. As a part time cashier I'm on my feet for at least 6 hours straight. The magnets give me more energy and strength to keep me going. Even the customers and my coworkers comment on how much energy I have and I tell them why I do. I tell them I'm not sure how they work but I can tell if I'm not using them. But I wanted to share an article from a scientific perspective so that you can make up your own mind. I read this article in Science Daily and they break down the science behind magnets and it's uses. If you'd like additional information on this subject please visit our website to learn more! We make no medical claims! Síle There's been debate and many reports on the authenticity of scientific research regarding the claim that Gender Dysphoria is based on medical (not mental) evidence. Here's proof that its medical. Doctors are NOT scientists and they have no clue what researchers have discovered. I'll take the word of a reputable Scientific Journal than a Jim Crow Doctor from Louisiana trying to propagate and spread dis information that is detrimental to members of my community and running for public office. In order to get published in a reputable Scientific Journal, one has to be able to back up their research from peers and skeptics through questions aimed at poking holes in their findings. Once this occurs and the scientist can back up their hypothesis and research, it gets published. This is not a "philosophical" or "whimsical" hypothesis. This is based on hard core facts, research and evidence. Síle Wellness is for Everyone.5/7/2019 A healthy lifesyle belongs to all of us and I want to say from the bottom of my heart that my Nikken distributorship welcomes all people. No matter who you love, where you come from or the language you speak you are welcome. Weather you would like to be a customer or a team member we got your back. Our job is to help you be successful in Nikken by sharing our life changing technologies and products with others. Please visit our website www.magneticwellness.biz or go to our WellCare Page. We love to play and have fun in Nikken. Please join us.
Síle It's one thing to claim to want to be healthy and another to practice it. For instance my "secret sonny" is drinking diet sodas. I know they're bad for me, but like anything addictive it's hard to quit. Why not addict myself to eating healthy? Makes sense right? As a recovering alcoholic, I have to fight everyday to stay on the wagon and with my day job it get's difficult. So many types of personalities I have to deal with every day. It can be depressing or up lifting whatever I choose to feel about the situation. After a while it just get's old and I have to reach for the one thing that tastes good going down. A nice smooth diet soda right? Wrong! I'm drinking it because I'm feeling so rotten about myself that I say to heck with the negative consequences. I justify it by saying that at least I'm not drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes. One way to make the change is gradual. Pick up better habits. Do one thing different each day. Own what has been done in the past and commit to making positive changes for the future. I try to remember that at one time I was able to resist the temptation to break open a soda and I try to put myself in that frame of mind. The other would be to change the type of job I do and move on, or change my attitude about the job. It's all up to me. So here's to all of you who have (as Bruce Springsteen says) a "secret sonny," which is something you can't face. Nikken products and technologies can help. With Nikken, I can face my mental and physical challenges, because with the consumables and holistic health technologies, I will win this fight and so can you. Take a look at my WellCare Page which will give you information you can use. Together we can change together and live happier healthier lives and beat your bad habits. Síle Síle Kelleher
is an Independent Nikken Wellness Consultant writing about Health and Wellness. Archives
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